But what exactly do you put on a teacher resume when you have no experience?
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
What a new teacher should include on their resume
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
The Blogging Rules I Break: As Told By Schitt's Creek Gifs
As a kid, I was a rule follower. As a blogger? Nothing but a rule breaker.
My little corner of the internet has been going for 10 years now. While the idea of blogging has evolved over the years, there are some evergreen blog rules that I break. And because I am not done obsessing over Schitt's Creek...the blog rules each have a Schitt's Creek gif to go with them. Because why not?
Rule 1: Choose a blog name related to what you write about.
Heh heh. "Zucchini Summer"
Rule 2: Use your name
What a stupid name. You shouldn't say it to me because that would be rude and socially awkward but I can say it about myself.
I chose it back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I was super focused on finding good deals. Bargains. I like alliteration and am a female. Hence "babe".
I don't want to use my real name because I'm not tryin' to end up on an episode of Dateline. Thankyouverymuch.
Rule 3: Have a niche.
One major blog rule is to brand yourself as the expert in something fairly specific. Some bloggers specialize in all things travel. Others focus solely on books/reading. Yet other bloggers have found their niche in the world of creating beautiful spaces in their homes.
Then there's me. Zucchini Summer Blog written by The Bargain Babe. Do I write only about bargains or zucchinis or summers?
This blog's "niche" is "some of everything". Some posts are about favorite books. One month you might find a more serious toned post about special education. Some posts slant to social justice. There's even one or two recipes around here.
Rule 4: Use a photo of yourself.
Articles with blogging tips abound with the same advice to make yourself real to your reader. Use a photo of yourself in your profile. Even better if you have photos of yourself making your recipe or visiting Greece (assuming cooking or travel is your niche blog topic. See #3 above.).
This blog rule is tempting to follow. A few readers know me in real life. (*waves hello*), but most of you don't. I'd love to pop on here with a selfie so you can see the blog-rule-breaking-face behind the scenes. I post photos sometimes, of my dog, of some decor, etc...but never any of the human faces around here. It's a layer of privacy for my family. Besides, if you all knew I was an exact look-a-like for Salma Hayek, you might get jealous.*
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*Def Salma Hayek and not me. |
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Keeping my face off the 'net gives some privacy. |
Rule 5: Use Wordpress or self-host your blog
These days most people have gotten away from the blogger platform and gone to Wordpress or buying their own domain. Yours truly however is still here hanging with the blogger/blogspot home. I don't want to have to try to figure out how to change it all over myself. And don't want to pay a hosting service or pay to have it migrated.
While it is true that different hosts may offer different/better options for blogging, I'm just hitting the easy button and staying put for now.Are there any blogging rules that you also break?
I can't be the only one out here not showing my face, still hanging at Blogspot, and with a wide "niche", can I?
Monday, February 1, 2021
The 10 Things Saving My Life Right Now
These lists are apparently a thing? I first saw one from The Lazy Genius (mine doesn't contain Oreos like hers does but there is definitely food involved!) and now Anne Bogel from Modern Mrs. Darcy has a yearly one? Yes, please! Tell me what is getting you through this winter/plague/world right now?
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
50ish Things About Me as a Reader
Did I pre-order Barack Obama's latest memoir? Yes, yes I did.
Would I ever purchase a biography about Kim Kardashian?
We all have unique reading preferences and styles. If you have a bookish list about yourself, please share in the comments. I'd love to read it!
- When I was ten, I read the book "Not Without My Daughter" and getting through four hundred pages of an adult book felt like the biggest accomplishment of my life.
- I volunteered at our local library thirty hours a week the summer I turned twelve or thirteen.
- I have never read Catcher in the Rye.
- Did not finish: Jane Eyre.
- The only books I have ever pre-ordered were Barack Obama's and Jeff Kinney's. That mix probably says something about me on a psychological level. If you figure it out, lemme know.
- I'm a teacher and HATE when other teachers or parents try to make a child choose a book "at their level."
- If I weren't a teacher and had to pick a second career, it would be something like librarian or bookstore owner.
- People who fold book pages down make me cringe. But by all means, you do you.
- I'm a purist about folds -see above- but have dropped crumbs onto my pages plenty of times. Yes, you can read without snacking, but why would you want to?
- Baby-Sitters Club books were my JAM. Quite certain I read them all.
Look! A photo of my entire childhood! - Apparently many bookish people hate book covers that have the movie tie-in. They aren't my fave but it doesn't bother me.
- I used to hate e-reading and only wanted paper books. Covid changed that and I downloaded the Libby app so I could get digital books from my library. I love that as long as I have my phone-I have a book with me. Now I read probably three fourths of my books on my phone and the other fourth as a physical book.
- My husband gave me a subscription to Book of the Month as a gift last Mother's Day and it has been the best gift in the world.
- I've only been able to finish one Stephen King book. He's a great writer, but I'm easily distracted and apparently unable to sustain attention long enough for his books.
- James Patterson makes me question things like: How many hours are in a day? How many hours are in James Patterson's day? How does he write so many books? Is he using a ghostwriter? A billion ghostwriters? How much of he and Bill Clinton's book did each of them write (because I quite enjoyed it)?
Nothing to do with James Patterson but this
tweet is s.a.v.a.g.e. - Some schools are turning their libraries into "STEAM Rooms" and I wail and cry about it. Can we not have both a library and a STEAM room?
- Starting last April, mid-pandemic-shut-down, I started keeping a list of each book I read. It's just in a cheap little notebook but this is fun and helpful to go back through the months and see what I've accomplished with reading. Also helps me find authors that I love.
- Fantasy is the hardest genre for me to read. Evidently my brain prefers realistic settings and characters and when things start flying or casting spells it's hard to keep up.
- Thus, I've only ever read the first Harry Potter book.
- That classic children's book "Love you Forever" is stupid and I hate it. So is The Runaway Bunny.
Bunny Mom is a stalker. Hard pass for me. - In the Not-Stupid category: Sesame Street "Monster at the end of this book". Other people have copied the idea since, but Sesame Street is the OG.
- If you teleported me to the library I went to as a child, I could still walk you back to where the Berenstain Bear books were kept.
- As a kid, our school library had the cards you had to sign your name and date in.
- I'm real bad about racking up library fines.
- I go through reading spurts. Many times I read every day but sometimes there's a week where I don't read for pleasure at all.
- I currently have eight books on hold on my Libby app.
- I generally like movies based on books. Maybe not as much as the book, but I enjoy seeing someone else take the same book and create their own vision from it.
- The latest I've stayed up to finish reading a book was two a.m.
- Our biggest bookshelf broke---because it was cheap---so until we replace it with something sturdier, I have piles of books just sitting around randomly. Ahem. MORE piles than would normally be sitting around.
- I threw one of my kids a bookworm birthday party and it was adorable.
- "The Bad Seed" and "The Good Egg" are the BEST children's picture books and I will fight you on it.
- D.E.A.R, Drop Everything And Read, was my favorite part of the school day.
- Greg Boyd's "Is God to Blame" and Brian Zahnd's "Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God" changed my theology and my life.
- Bookstore cats are cool but can we get a trend of bookstore Golden Retrievers going?
- In middle school I read all of the Janette Oke books I could get my hands on. She writes Christian western romance. When you go to a fundie school you take what you can get, ok?
Oh those fundie years.
Comic from the awesome Naked Pastor who has
tons more to make you laugh! - In high school we read The Scarlet Letter. I didn't understand ALL of the symbolism until the teacher pointed it out. Was I dense or does no one understand it on their own in high school? Dense probably.
- I hate what Amazon is doing to independent bookstores so much that we are not going to renew our Prime membership.
- I've never been to a book signing.
- I get annoyed when people talk to me when I'm reading. I. am. clearly. busy.
- I use any scrap of paper nearby as a bookmark.
You say "receipt", I say "bookmark." - I have read all of Chevy Stevens books.
- Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey remain on my "have never read this" list.
- I loved the Divergent series along with Hunger Games. And their movies.
- Amazon functions as my "TBR" pile. I add books to the wishlist and then buy them from an indie bookstore or request them from the library.
- Audio books don't hold my attention. I've only been successful with one or two. I think if my brain isn't looking AT the words on the page, it starts to wander and before I know it, the chapter is over and I've got no clue what happened.
- I discovered the Shopaholic series by accident...browsing the library for a Karen Kingsbury book years ago and saw Kinsella.
- Even though I'm a sensitive person, books rarely make me cry. Except that children's book about a sled dog who dies during the race.
- I have a running list of independent bookstores to visit once Covid settles down. Michigan, Kansas, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Tennessee, Hawaii...I'm coming for you!
Okay, that's close enough to 50! Anything from the list that is true for you too?
Monday, December 28, 2020
2020 in the Rearview Mirror
2020 is coming to an end (is that a collective "Amen!" I hear?) and between the Covid and the politics it feels like this year was really 10 years smooshed into one. Let's recap, shall we?
Most popular post this year: You all really liked reading about how I DIY my own laundry detergent.
Least popular blog post: It's a tie between Daylight Savings Time and the Blog Redesign.
Favorite books read this year: Probably Evvie Drake Starts Over and The Silent Patient. I wrote a brief review about each of them back in August.
Biggest accomplishment: Surviving. We've had plenty of laughs and good times this year but I won't pretend like the anxiety didn't overwhelm at times.
Biggest fail: I burned a pot of spaghetti. Yes, apparently, that's a thing that can happen. Who knew?
Things I did to help preserve democracy: Phone banked, donated to campaigns, made sure friends/family voted.
Things to look forward to in 2021 (in expected order of occurrence): The inauguration. Graduating. Sitting inside a coffee shop. Browsing a book store. Taking a vacation (destination TBD). Visiting long distance family.
Netflix Binges: The Mindy Project, Schitt's Creek, The Office, Tiger King (That was this year? Feels like forever ago.), The Great British Baking Show, Man With A Plan.
What are your reflections on the year? Did you find any great new books or tv shows? Enjoy extra family time or nearly kill each other? Did anyone else burn spaghetti? No? Just me. Okay then.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Gift Ideas for Teachers When You're E-Learning
Whatever you call it: remote learning, e-learning, digital learning, etc...it is all the same. Many students this year are e-learning due to either their parent's choice in an effort to keep them safe or the school having to go to remote learning because of rising Covid-19 cases.
A common misconception is that teachers are doing nothing during e-learning. The truth however, is that teachers are still working and probably harder than they had to when they were in the building! Lesson videos have to be made, every student checked in with, paper packets made for students who don't have internet, assessments changed into digital format, classwork still needs graded, parents and students have constant questions, etc.
As we roll towards the winter holiday season, please don't forget your child's teacher. Gift giving can be hard when you aren't going to SEE the person. Ordinarily you could just tuck a gift in your child's backpack and send them on the bus. But what do you do now when there's no way to get a gift to the teacher?
Here are some ideas for gifts you can give your child's teacher this Christmas that they will love and that honor the social distancing rules.
1. Target gift card.
Is there a gift list that doesn't include a Target gift card? LOL Everyone loves them. These can be very easily emailed to the teacher and I've always had luck with the recipients getting the email. Bonus: There's no physical card to risk getting lost!
2. Teachers Pay Teachers gift card.
This website allows teachers to get many things for free but there are also items that cost money. Things are reasonably priced, many at $1-5. Teachers can get extra games, activities, and lesson ideas from this site. In fact, I don't know any teacher who doesn't use TpT at some point in the year. A $5 gift card would go a long way and just like the Target cards, these are digital and simple to email.
3. Write a note telling them what you appreciate about them.
Be specific: the funny video they sent your child when he was sick and they wanted to cheer him up? How organized they have been through e-learning? That they still found a way to honor your child's birthday while e-learning? That they always have a smile on their face?
Find some specifics and write them down. Email it or write it by hand and snap a pic that you send. This gift costs nothing but will mean the world to the teacher. Trust me.
4. Send their boss an email and CC the teacher.
Let the principal know how much this teacher has done for the students. It doesn't have to be long "Dear Principal Pat, I just wanted to say how much Jimmy has enjoyed being in Mrs. Great's class this year. Even though we've had to distance learn, Mrs. Great has found ways to build a relationship with Jimmy. He talks constantly about what book she is reading to them and is always eager to log in for his daily Zoom. Signed, Parent."
Bonus tip: This is a nice way to acknowledge specials teachers too. Gym, art, library, music---those teachers love your kids too!
5. Coordinate some parents to create a book.
If you are able to contact the other parents, you could ask them to do #3 (write a little card/note about what they appreciate about the teacher) and snap a pic of their child with the card. Parents will send you the photos and you can assemble them into a Google Slides presentation that you then share with the teacher. The teacher will be able to print the pages and make themselves a book. Alternatively you could make the book yourself with an app like Shutterfly, though then you couldn't deliver the book to the teacher digitally.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
What to do the day you lose your job
If you're reading this, you've likely just found out your job has been cut. I'm here to share with you the first things to do when you lose your job.
1. Don't beat yourself up.
2. Find out how to continue your health insurance.
3. Look up the hours for your unemployment office.
4. Call the local WIC office
5. Visit your SNAP office
6. Stop all non-necessary monthly bills
You will need to keep internet and cell phone service if at all possible. It's extremely hard to job hunt without home internet. Your local library is an option but for now I'd try to keep your home internet.